Stronger Together Membership Site
Narcissistic emotional abuse is an insidious, painful and isolating experience. Manipulation and control begin the very moment a narcissistic, sociopathic or other toxic personality enters your life. The narcissist uses love bombing and empty promises to lure victims into toxic relationships that threaten their emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial well being. Love bombing is used by toxic predators to move in quickly and is the first phase of a pattern of isolation and control!
Let's face it, LOVE BOMBING initially feels great. Who wouldn't want to hear how amazing they are? Remember, as the narcissist swoops into your life, they often refer you as their soul mate before they have even gotten to know you. Narcissists groom their prey with lavish dates, trips, flowers, texts love notes and texts, and over the top attention and promises that are as grandiose as the narcissist's ego.
Targeted victims of these soul sucking, emotional vampires report feeling overcome by the narcissist's spell that overtook them faster than their judgement could keep up. Those who have fallen prey to a toxic abuser learn over time how false and empty the love bombing phase was.
The roses die. The kindness stops. The criticism, lies, devaluation, gaslighting, projection and general darkness take over. You find yourself waking up one day wondering how you got here! You desperately search your heart, mind, and soul for answers and wonder how to stop the nightmare your relationship has become.
The longer you stay in an emotionally abusive relationship the more isolated you become. It is not unusual for caring friends and family to pull away over time. It can feel as though there is nowhere to go and no one to talk to who truly understands. Over the years in my own toxic relationship, I realized my life had become the size of a thimble.
Reconnecting with friends and family is so important and yet so often well-intentioned friends and family just simply do not understand the toll your toxic relationship has taken on you. They wonder why you didn't or do not now "JUST LEAVE."
If you are thinking of breaking free, in the process, or have already broken free you need support! I designed the STRONGER TOGETHER membership community for just this purpose. My guiding mission is to provide a supportive community that is accessible to all.
Joining the Stronger Together membership site for just $27 per month gives you immediate access to weekly live and recorded webinars, a Q&A area addressing your most pressing questions, interviews, book talks, and live chats.
As a BONUS, your name will be entered into a MONTHLY drawing for a one hour 1:1 coaching session with Dr. Dart.